Location: In the province of “Silent Mountain”, head to the end of the river south of “Impetuous Stream” & the “Ramford Mountain” Bivouac. Step 3) Head to the location described and look for a cave entrance that will be on a rock side ledge. One less collectible to collect later and so you have it for reference for later if you want to go back to the Beast/Yeti cave! Step 2) Enter the wood cabin and head over to the big shelf unit inside, you find a collectible that will have a clue to the Beasts/Yeti. Site is North of the “Unknown Glacier” name tag. Step 1) Head over to “Good Hope Mountain” province, the Beast clue will be at the “Homesteaders Site” located between “Scott Glacier” and the “Silent Valley” Bivouac. Note: You can click on the images below to enlarge them! Like Ghost Recon Wildlands, Ghost Recon Breakpoint has a Beast/Yeti Easter Egg within the campaign! Much less complex than the Wildlands one as you get a clue that directs you to the area of the Beasts lair, which you can enter once you spot it! Let’s start with getting the clue, in case you need to use it for reference at any time.
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Knock him out to perform the sacrifice and you are done. The Lieutenant will be inside the church is the guy you want to grab and take to the Witches Hut to be sacrificed. There will be heavies around the church and at the entrances to the village. Step 3: Return to Pa Kollu after 22:00 GT (Game time) to get a sacrifice for the witches. Step 2: Visit and interact with each of the 3 shrines. If you want to find the shrines yourself, follow each crow, each one goes to a shrine and sits on top. When you enter the hut, 3 crows will fly up and away. Step 1: Head over to Pa Kollu village in northern Libertad to go to the Witches Hut so the easter egg can be activated. There is only one person (next to the witch market), and within a certain timeframe, you can perform this sacrifice right inside of the witches’ hut! The witch market is a real thing in Bolivia, link to real information at the bottom. You must appease the spirits of the Three Witches by interacting 3 shrines and making a sacrifice, a special sacrifice. The 3 Witches Easter Egg was added in June of 2017, which have you exploring a section of the map that you most likely have spent very little time in, starting in the northeast corner of Libertad.